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As a lot of you will be driving in I’ve just done some quick car park research.

In my expertly designed map, the yellow box is the conference area.

Box 1 is the NCP Furnival Gate, this is the closest reasonable priced car park. Be aware though, the gates are locked at midnight so if you are a non-drinker staying for the Saturday night party, this is not for you.

Box 2 is also reasonable priced but a little further to walk. If you take your chip into the university, you can get a discount by tapping it on the discount box on the right hand side of the main entrance, if you need help with this, just ask. This is ran by APCOA and has 24/7 access.

Box 3 is NCP Arundel Gate, avoid this at all costs! Probably due to it’s proximity to the theatres, it is over 4 times as expensive as Furnival Gate on a Saturday and at least double the rest of the time.

Box 4 is a Q Park locally known as the Cheese Grater, it isn’t as expensive as Arundel Gate but still more than the other two.

There are also a number of council and charity ran car parks around the area but most are pay and display and you’ll end up running out to feed the meter every few hours.

For anyone coming in on Friday evening, the on street parking is about £1 from around 18:30 and free from about 20:00.

Map of local carparks